Lou Jones, a Boston based professional photographer, has compiled a series of portrait photographs of men and women on death row. This exhibit has toured internationally and will be in the library through April 4th.
Giving himself the provocative task of capturing the candid expressions of death row inmates, Jones has used the power of his camera to present these inmates as real people and not just the dark side of humanity. His book, Final Exposure: Portraits from Death Row chronicles his six-year odyssey documenting these men and women incarcerated in the U.S.
There will be a reception with Mr. Jones in the library on Thursday, April 2nd, at 6:00 PM. For More information about his work go to his website
The portraits and voices in the work humanize these condemned men and women without minimizing the magnitude of the offenders' crimes or the pain of the victims and their families. Northeastern University Press
This exhibit is presented in coordination with the presentation the social justice play "Dead Man Walking", which follows Sister Helen Prejean as she serves as spiritual adviser to two men on death row in New Orleans, LA, on
Friday, March 27 and Saturday, March 28 at 7:30 PM,
April 1st at 4:00 PM and April 2, 3, and 4 at 7:30
in the Top Notch Theater in the Spurk Building on the Haverhill campus.